Putting a personal touch on your home bar furniture
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Putting a personal touch on your home bar furniture, Bar Stools Buying Guide

For many people having a home bar is a luxury that they don't want to have to do without. These bars can be a great accent in a basement or game room or even in a living room or kitchen. They can be as classy or elegant as you want them to be. They can also be as big or small as your needs or wants require. With all of these different options available to you, home bars can take on numerous different shapes and styles and the choice is all yours. This article will help you by simply walking you through the steps that you will have to go through when trying to put a personal touch on your home bar.

The first thing that you will have to decide is what type of theme or styles are you going for? This can range from very basic things like, what type of materials (wood or metal), what color; to more complicated, elegant things like, old bar feel or modern, futuristic bar. Anything that you want is available for the most part. Once you have the style that you style you feel will fit the room, you just have to go out and find that particular style out there. Many furniture places will offer selections of bars and if you can find anything that way, start a search online. Find the look that you like and then start to look for someone who will help you order and set up your bar.

Once you have the bar in and in place you have to start looking at chairs or stools. Either one works for a home bar, and again, it is completely your call on what you go with. Obviously you will want to go with something that matches you bar. Often times you can even get matching bar stools with the bar of your choice. If your bar didn't come with that option, or you just didn't like the stools that it came with, you have to start a search over again. The basic difference between a stool and chair is the back. A stool doesn't have one, a chair does. Normally bars have stools, but again, it is your home bar and you can personalize it however you want, and if that is with raised chairs, then go for it. Chairs and stool will come in various colors and sizes. You won't want to get anything too tall that no one can get on it, but also something so short that you can't comfortably reach the bar top when sitting on the stool.

After you've found your chairs or stools you are basically done. There are a few things that you can look into for minor personalization though. I would check out neon lights if you have a more classic bar theme, or even and older lamp. If you have an elegant bar set up you will want to some fancy chandeliers or some other form of elegant lighting. Assuming your bar as an old-school feel, trying to mimic the old breweries from long ago, you may want to try and find some really old looking lamps and possibly even an old wooden tap. Anything that you can think of to make your bar, feel like you want it to. If you need to you can study pictures of other bars to get ideas. Just make sure you don't start colliding ideas and themes. You don't want an elegant lamp with an old wooden bar, it just won't fit right. You also will not want to go overboard with “decorations.” The more simple you keep it, the better it will look and the more room you will have on the bar itself. Limit it to one or two items other than the glasses and drinks. An overcrowded bar is a good place to put things you want broken.


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